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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

not a good feeling

I have been going for all sorts of interview recently. Some interesting, some not so. But after every interview, there are usually 2 results.

One is you feel that you have done reasonably well in the interview and you probably stand a good chance of getting a job, expecting a call from the company, and end up super disappointed and dont understand why.

Second is you feel like you have been punched on the face, the punch is fierce and hard, straight on your face, probably around your nose area, you cant breath much and been hit to the ground. That feeling sucks, it is like you have been through so many years of dont know what. You go through a reflection feeling that you have just wasted your past 20 over years and suddenly you found yourself in the middle of no where, standing all alone, have no idea how to go. It takes awhile before you can regain consciousness and start figuring out where you are.

I dont like either of them, but probably everytime you got hit, it shows that you are not doing well enough.

Lost. again.

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Friday, July 16, 2010

think think...think carefully

its a weird feeling. I have graduated. Have been applying to all sorts of jobs and unsure of what i really want.

Sometimes i just feel like im not ready to get into a career. I havent identified what i would enjoy doing for the rest of my life, and sometimes felt like i needed more time to do more soul searching. Im at a stage where im not sure of what is happening to my life and im unsure of what to do...perhaps i need some extra experience to gather my thoughts and understand myself better.

One way of thinking it is i am not sure and i needed more time, more freedom to experience and explore something worth the rest of my life. That i believe require alot of try and error and reflection, but i dont know whats stopping me. maybe its peer pressure? everyone of the same age have found a job and is working and are living independent life. Maybe its financial pressure ? that i have a huge amount of outstanding loan to repay. maybe its just life pressure that i feel like i should be working at this stage, after so many years of education.

Another way of thinking it is that there are no such thing as perfect job or a job that you enjoy. it only exists for super small percentage of human beings and most of them are people who have been super uber successful in their career, they quit their career and startup a new business which they heart and see opportunity in.

talking about the i needed more time to explore and stuff like that. I felt that one thing education failed to do to me, or at least i wished education or someone have taught me that it is important to do soul searching and know yourself, life is too short and the years in ur education are the only times where you can afford to spend time and look into yourself. I failed to do that in the past i dont know how many years. Education has successfully driven knowledge and skills perhaps into our mind but have failed to help and assist us in looking for our true self. At least i think my education has not achieved that purpose. Perhaps it is set that way, customized to feed in skills and knowledge to grow the economy of a country or region. that explains why people have so little sense of satisfaction and fulfillment in life and only worked for money and perhaps a career that is not too taxing. im not sure if im going too far away but at the moment i felt like there is a need to understand myself and understand my purpose, else i wont find any job interesting or meaningful. at the same time i feel like i dont have the luxury to find that out.

Probably i should just end up like everybody else, be a product of an education factory, work hard in life, get some money and there goes another normal story.

dont worry if you dont understand what i have written. I dont either. I wished I do. But no, i dont.

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Enjoy your job

Only if we believe that there is no such thing as a perfect job waiting for us somewhere, then only we will stop looking out and start appreciate and enjoy what we have.

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010


i guess its human's nature to be greedy. When you dont have it you would say things like "give me anything and i will take"

When you are actually being offered A, you would start to reconsider if A is good enough, would i get something better than A? do i deserve something better than A? and you start looking around for B, which is probably better than A.

And we start thinking, if i get B, i will take it and look further no more. But im guessing it never happens, either we never get B or we start looking for C,D,E..........

We end up never be happy with what we have because we kept looking for what we dont have.

Pray for me so that i get B and not just A... :P

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

more than 2 months

seems like its been more than 2 months since i updated this space.

well, whats happening is that i have graduated. have not found a job. Hopefully soon. Job hunting is definitely not so good an experience for me. The feeling is horrible when you send out so many copies of your resume and not single one replied. waiting for phone calls everyday but the phone never rings. i hope i get a job soon.

Anyways, I submitted my FYP, did the presentation, took the final paper in NUS, and results are out. So it says i passed everything. I suppose that means graduation. So what im waiting for now is 6th of July, the comencement ceremony in NUS. U know, the usual thing, u wear a weird dress, go to the stage and get a scroll, then come out and throw ur hat or something. snap some pictures. Thats it. Thats about it.

On a side note, i was quite lucky or maybe unlucky to get a job which allowed me to travel to Shanghai for a week. Lucky for the good treatment i get in the job, 1 week in SH and another week in KL for work. the job is all perfect. except that i was not able to go to some walk in interview career fair held in school where alot of company did their mass recruitment. a few friends manage to secure a job there and i couldnt make it because i was away. Which causes my struggling now to get a job.

Also, recently moved out of campus to a decent place near clementi. The only thing is of course $, its much more expensive than staying in campus, while im not working and have zero income(almost, i do some part time work enough to give me food), spending everyday is stressful. Thinking about not having any job and spending all the $, you gotta check out your account everyday and know when you are going to run out of money. suddenly after graduation, $ become such a huge thing. Its like in university, everything comes from home, after graduation, you feel like you gotta start working and earn ur own spendings, not to mention bring $ home. This kinda made the feeling of not having a job worse.

And the worse part is that sending out more resume doesnt seem to help. Companies do not reply you. They dont. They just dont.

I hate job search

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Thursday, April 1, 2010

eww..its the time of the year.

Its the time of the year again, just that this year its much more intense. at least what i felt.

another item done today. 9 more items to clear before im done with uni.

Been busy with everything but most stressed up about FYP.

Good luck for me.

Graduate on time and get a job before that is my main aim for now.

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Monday, January 25, 2010

time flies

When people say time flies does it mean that time is passing by really fast ?

I think its true sometimes and its not sometimes. I think this year 2010 passes relatively fast, its been 25 days into the year, thats almost a month's time.and within the next 2 weeks its gonna be Chinese new year, a break for most of us.Gonna be going home,celebration, cathching up with friends and all.

But at this moment im at work. time doesnt fly here. Maybe because im also flying now, so time fly and i fly, thats why time is not moving to me. Its all about relative velocity you see. Cant blame me ok, im an engineer, we talk physics all the time. Well,not exactly, we dont even talk about physics these days, we talk about heat transfer. Eww...such disgusting topic right. who wanna talk about heat transfer, arent we hot enough? its Global Warming !!

All right, if you manage to read up till here, you are awesome, i just wasted my 5 minutes typing random stuff to kill your 20seconds. well done, you successfully wasted 20 seconds of your life and if you are still reading then its 22 and still counting.

Im sure everyone can sense my boredom now. Bluek.

Signing off.

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