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Monday, January 25, 2010

time flies

When people say time flies does it mean that time is passing by really fast ?

I think its true sometimes and its not sometimes. I think this year 2010 passes relatively fast, its been 25 days into the year, thats almost a month's time.and within the next 2 weeks its gonna be Chinese new year, a break for most of us.Gonna be going home,celebration, cathching up with friends and all.

But at this moment im at work. time doesnt fly here. Maybe because im also flying now, so time fly and i fly, thats why time is not moving to me. Its all about relative velocity you see. Cant blame me ok, im an engineer, we talk physics all the time. Well,not exactly, we dont even talk about physics these days, we talk about heat transfer. Eww...such disgusting topic right. who wanna talk about heat transfer, arent we hot enough? its Global Warming !!

All right, if you manage to read up till here, you are awesome, i just wasted my 5 minutes typing random stuff to kill your 20seconds. well done, you successfully wasted 20 seconds of your life and if you are still reading then its 22 and still counting.

Im sure everyone can sense my boredom now. Bluek.

Signing off.

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