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Saturday, November 1, 2008

LC Gathering 31st Oct

We had our LC Gathering today, it was pretty cool. we had some good time in the LC gathering.

Mel shared with us how was her Heroes experience, how she had so much fun in the conference and after the conference, met so many people and experiencing AIESEC conference in Heroes. She also showed us some pictures and videos which brought us to the conference that we didnt manage to attend.

After which Adrian did some “education” about finance matters, teaching us about tracking, claiming and so on so on…omg, he even showed us how PV should be filled and the whole financial claiming process. Im sure members will have totally no problem filling up PVs and making claims from AIESEC.

Mel also promoted about the BBQ of LC NUS on 15th November (Saturday) in pgp, please do come over and join us for the BBQ fun!! whee :D Of course i did some last minute promotion about NLDS as well. Its gonna be so exciting with over 80 internationals from 12 countries be in NLDS Singapore.

After that we had a mini connection time discussing about @ and school, @ and friends as well as @ and travelling. The nice part was when YuanTian brought his mentor, Shahrin, ex-MCP from NUS to come down to the gathering. Shahrin talked to the members and shared about his stories and im sure most of the people there were inspired by what he had to share.

So much so about LC Gathering, there was an informal outing for some of us. Some people didnt manage to join us due to 1000 other reasons such as projects, exams, submissions and yada yada yada… But they missed good fun ! coz we went to check out Shisha in Arab Street.

yeaps, some of the faces at Arab Street. and Looking forward to LC BBQ on 15th November.

Interesting AIESECers.

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  1. HAHA!
    it really was fun! we should go there again some day, or maybe try some other new stuff!

    another great fun day with AIESECers! =)

  2. yay!!

    more to come we hope.. :D

    BBQ coming soon :D 15th October.

  3. 流水账...把本来很好玩的事情写的这么无聊...飘过...

  4. 以后会改进的了。。。sobsob..

  5. Hey hey... be friendly for non-chinese speaking leh! :P

  6. Siew Yik,
    Darn. That looks so much fun la. :P
