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Friday, November 14, 2008

Cleaner killed by zoo tigers

I just changed my profile picture to the current one few weeks back. It was taken from the zoo trip in July and i got this piece of news from Alex today.

A CLEANER at the Singapore Zoo who jumped into the white tiger enclosure yesterday was killed by the animals as a horrified crowd looked on helplessly.

Malaysian Nordin Montong, 32, was set upon by two of the three big cats in the enclosure at around noon.

According to eyewitnesses, Mr Nordin, who was seen shouting and flinging items about shortly before the incident, vaulted a low wall and landed in a moat in the enclosure, four metres below.

Carrying a yellow pail and a broom, he then crossed the 1.75m-deep moat, walked up to a rocky ledge near where the animals were and began agitating them by swinging the broom.

Not sure if its the same tiger. But yea, i wasn't holding a broom and i was out of the enclosure.

I guess the lesson of the day is NEVER carry a broom to the zoo..

Interesting news.

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