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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Earth quake indonesia, magnitude 7.9

i just came back from class and switched on my laptop. Automatically the 1st page loaded up is facebook. As usual i screen through the list of status updates of all my "friends" and i noticed alot of them mentioned about shake tremor or quake. But i didnt really feel it. Seeing people from KL,melaka,johor and singapore posted something related to the shake i think there are some truth to it. I posted "so many people say they felt earthquake on meh...." and somehow it generated some discussion. It was not until 10-15 minutes later that online news start to have short reports on the quake.

Conclusion? facebook is more powerful than news. If you read through newspaper everyday, how can you not login to facebook and read your friend's status message every 2 minutes?

Lets hope everything is fine with the dear neighbor.

As @ers say, when we hear a news of another country, its not only a piece of news, its update about my friends' homeland. Hope that all my friends are not affected by this quake.

Interesting me.

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Monday, September 28, 2009

Recess week.

It was a good recess week.

Spent the 1st few days going around nearby places like cameron and pangkor island and had a great time eating around ipoh. Havent been home for one whole week that often except during CNY period.

Of course life at home is nothing other than eat and sleep. hopefully i dont get addicted to these and i can get back to uni life now.

Of course picture says more than anything else.

A trip to ipoh is of course not complete
without white coffee and Fu shan dim sum...dim sum is the 1st thing we did after we reach ipoh at 7+ am. even after fu shan moved to a much bigger shop, its still super super crowded that we had to wait for half an hour before we get any seats.

The white coffee is still as nice as ever....but its getting more and more expensive. The original old town shop is still alright, costs about 1.40 a glass, the franchise version charge 2.80 for a glass of white coffee, thats double the original shop, for aircon, wifi, and more ice in the cup.
Then its cameron highlands. i dont even remember when was
the last time i went there, maybe 4-5 years back or so...its about 1.5 hour drive up hill and slightly shorter time down hill. we made a 1 morning trip. moving up around 8+ am and coming down around 2pm. Its a really nice when its cold in the morning but not so when it gets hot and crowded from lunch time onwards.
We also went to Pangkor island. We took a bus which cost RM8.40. for the 2 hours of uncomfortable seats and heater in the bus, it feels like a trip in an oven. From there its another 30mins of ferry ride over to the island. After which things got better, we rent a terrace house near pasir bogak beach(costs less than 1 night hotel room) which 9 of us fit in comfortably. went out snorkeling and check out the beach not forgetting banana boat at the end of the day.

Something i need to mention here is the new addition to my room after the trip back home.
Thats the picture of my niece and nephew with a handphone deco gift from a friend.

arent my niece cute and adorable...she is like 7 or 8 months old now.

and the c ute nice clay art deco gift from my friend. The whole thing is made of clay and she is really into making these stuff and some miniature art. She got a whole lot of other stuff that she makes and those pic in her blog is so interesting. I was so amazed after seeing those stuff at her house the other day. Hope people will appreciate these art stuff some day.

Do check out

Check out more ipoh pics from my facebook.

Next up.....School work perhaps?

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tagging feature on facebook status

Interestingly, the internet world is a connected world.

Some features that i liked the most about facebook is that it allows u to upload unlimited pictures. more than that is that u can tag your friends in those pictures. this idea of tagging would become much more fun that now you can even tag others on the facebook status. its really getting more and more similar to twitter...i wonder who tweets anymore since fb actually have features so similar to twitter.

check out the article.

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人来人往,Shall we talk?

朋友已走 剛升職的你 舉杯到凌晨還未夠 用盡心機拉我手 纏在我頸背後 說你男友有事忙是借口 說到終於飲醉酒  情侶會走 剛失戀的你 哭乾眼淚前來自首 寂寞因此牽我手 除下了他手信後 我已得到你沒有 但你我至少往後 成為了蜜友  閉起雙眼你最掛念誰 眼睛張開身邊竟是誰 感激車站裡尚有月台 能讓我們滿足到落淚 擁不擁有也會記住誰 快不快樂留在身體裡 愛若能夠永不失去 何以你今天竟想找尋伴侶  誰也會走 剛相戀的你 先知我們原來未夠 借故鬆開我的手 藏在貼紙相背後 我這苦心開過沒有 但試過散心旅遊 如何答沒有  閉起雙眼我最掛念誰 眼睛張開身邊竟是誰 感激車站裡尚有月台 曾讓我們滿足到落淚 擁不擁有也會記住誰 快不快樂有天總過去 愛若為了永不失去 誰勉強娛樂過誰  愛若難以放進手裡 何不將這雙手放進心裡  時間會走 剛失戀的我 開始與旁人攜著手 但甚麼可以擁有 纏在那頸背後 最美麗長髮未留在我手

Shall we talk

明月光 為何又照地堂 寧願在公園躲藏 不想喝湯 任由目光 留在漫畫一角 為何望母親一眼就如罰留堂  孩童只盼望歡樂 大人只知道寄望 為何都不大懂得努力體恤對方 大門外有蟋蟀 迴響卻如同幻覺 Shall we talk Shall we talk 就當重新手拖手去上學堂  陪我講 陪我講出我們最後何以生疏 誰怕講 誰會可悲得過孤獨探戈 難得 可以同座 何以 要忌諱赤裸 如果心聲真有療效 誰怕暴露更多 你別怕我  螢幕發光 無論什麼都看 情人在分手邊緣只敢喝湯 若沉默似金 還談什麼戀愛 寧願在發聲機器面前笑著忙  成人只寄望收穫 情人只聽見承諾 為何都不大懂得努力珍惜對方 螳螂面對蟋蟀 迴響也如同幻覺 Shall we talk Shall we talk 就算牙關開始打震 別說謊  陪我講 陪我講出我們最後何以生疏 誰怕講 誰會可悲得過孤獨探戈 難得 可以同座 何以 要忌諱赤裸 如果心聲真有療效 誰怕暴露更多  陪我講 陪我親身正視眼淚誰跌得多 無法講 除非彼此已失去了能力觸摸 鈴聲 可以寧靜 難過 卻避不過 如果沉默太沉重 別要輕輕帶過  明月光 為何未照地堂 孩兒在公司很忙 不需喝湯 Shall we talk 斜陽白趕一趟 沉默令我聽得見葉兒聲聲降

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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A typical day of life in NUS

A typical day of life in NUS starts in the morning.

The alarm clock started buzzing off at 8.15am, after a few snoozes, i got up at 8.30 shocked and try to get myself ready in lightning speed. Rushed to the bus stop at 845 got on the bus heading to engineering faculty.

I was gonna be late but i poped by the canteen anyways to grab a curry puff and a drink. To fill up my stomach at the same time keep me awake during the early morning class. I reached class around 9.15, and the lecturer hasnt really started teaching. I quickly find a seat and take out my notes put it on the table and then i start to enjoy my breakfast while listening or trying to listen to the lecturer.

After the class at about 11, i went to have an early lunch and come back to get a nap.
Woke up around 2+ to do some readings and then get ready for my class. Left around 3+, meet up with a friend and head for class together.
Class from 4-6 is a little boring so i had to get more food to keep me awake during class. After the class meet up with 2 friends for dinner and discussion for a project that we are working on.

The discussion went on until around 9ish and went back to my room. started working on it until 1am and went for supper and had a chat with a friend until around 2am. Went to sleep after that.

Again, the alarm had to do the work of waking me up. Buzzed off at 8am and snoozed until 815. Rushed over to the class around 835. grabbed myself a standard puff and a drink. did a short presentation in the class which ended at 12. met up with the team mates for the meeting on the project and lunch.

The discussion went on until around 2pm and i went back to the room. Had a quick shower, changed and got ready to leave the room again. Went for a recruitment talk at 3pm.

Attending recruitment talk is like the trend for all final year students who are kiasu and concern about looking for a job. The one today was alright, some people of course tried to show off themselves and asked "unique" questions during the talk. But anyways, i didnt bother to ask any questions and left immediately at about 5. Took a nap and it went on until almost 9pm.

Wake up to switch on the laptop and watched a movie and worked on writing projects for a while. Chatted on msn along the way and its 11.30pm.

Thats like a typical 2 days part of the whole week of my life. Sometimes i wonder how much more interesting it could possibly get. If anyone has any solutions to making it more interesting i would really much want to know.

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Saturday, September 5, 2009


Sometimes things happen that makes u wonder if its the people who have changed or the environment have changed.
Somehow things doesnt fit in anymore.
Perhaps everything have changed.

Maybe if its viewed from another perspective, everything is just temporary.

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