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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

not a good feeling

I have been going for all sorts of interview recently. Some interesting, some not so. But after every interview, there are usually 2 results.

One is you feel that you have done reasonably well in the interview and you probably stand a good chance of getting a job, expecting a call from the company, and end up super disappointed and dont understand why.

Second is you feel like you have been punched on the face, the punch is fierce and hard, straight on your face, probably around your nose area, you cant breath much and been hit to the ground. That feeling sucks, it is like you have been through so many years of dont know what. You go through a reflection feeling that you have just wasted your past 20 over years and suddenly you found yourself in the middle of no where, standing all alone, have no idea how to go. It takes awhile before you can regain consciousness and start figuring out where you are.

I dont like either of them, but probably everytime you got hit, it shows that you are not doing well enough.

Lost. again.

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  1. Bro, cheer up.. It is really tough to going through all this.. Anyway good luck to you.. Every of us got the talent to do work just that we havent get the right people and right place that can appreciate our talent.. Believe it and you will doing better..

    Cheer up and never give up..

    The better thing will be always waiting for you when reach there and it is not far away....

  2. >.<
    Keep it up....
    Don't disappoint yourself so quietly...
    Don't let the negative element live around you....

    Cheer it up....
    Your Job is just around you...
